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Nassau Hall, decorated for the 275th anniversary.
Image Block - Large, Wide (16:9)

Nassau Hall, decorated for the 275th anniversary.
Image Block - Medium, Wide (16:9)

Nassau Hall, decorated for the 275th anniversary.
Image Block - Small, Wide (16:9)

Nassau Hall, decorated for the 275th anniversary.
Image Block - Extra Small, Wide (16:9)

Nassau Hall, decorated for the 275th anniversary.
Image Block - Super Wide (8:3), Medium

Nassau Hall, decorated for the 275th anniversary.
Image Block - Wide (16:9), Medium

Nassau Hall, decorated for the 275th anniversary.
Image Block - Landscape (3:2), Medium

Nassau Hall, decorated for the 275th anniversary.
Image Block - Landscape (4:3), Medium

Nassau Hall, decorated for the 275th anniversary.
Image Block - Square (1:1), Medium

Nassau Hall, decorated for the 275th anniversary.
Image Block - Portrait (3:4), Medium

Nassau Hall, decorated for the 275th anniversary.
Image Block - Freeform, Medium

Nassau Hall, decorated for the 275th anniversary.
Image Block - Small, Wide (16:9), Aligned Left

Nassau Hall, decorated for the 275th anniversary.
Image Block - Small, Wide (16:9), Aligned Center

Nassau Hall, decorated for the 275th anniversary.
Image Block - Small, Wide (16:9), Aligned Right

Nassau Hall, decorated for the 275th anniversary.